I went to
and created an empty journal

Then using the Editing tool bar

I dragged and dropped Outline Box objects to create a simple layout

I then ran a Distribution Platform

Using the Tool Bar in the Output Display I selected the thick "+" selection tool,

which allows one to select any of the objects in the display


Here I selected the Weight Outline Box, which will select everything under the Outline Box. Items under an outline box that are not to be copied can be eliminated from the copying by simply clicking on the grey triangles and collapsing the box. See above.
Now to move the display to the desired location in the journal, just drag and drop the selected display to the position in the journal
It could be located under the Side by Side Box

Or it can be placed between Box One and the Side by Side Box

But for illustration, I chose to add it under the "A Box Embedded in an other Box

Using the selection tool in the Journal, one can select the objects and move them wherever wanted
I hope this answers your questions