Hi @Thierry_S ,
Currently JMP Genomics is very I/O intensive since it is using SAS in the background to process a lot of the data for very wide problems. If you are looking for a laptop to run JMP Genomics, I would look for a workstation equivalent, faster processors over many cores (multithreading is typically not used), a SSD with 1 TB is fine (but JMP Genomics does generate a lot files), 16 GB of RAM is good enough, but if it costs a little bit more to get 32GB of RAM, then why not. JMP Genomics does not use GPU directly except what was noted by @ih for 3D scatter plot.
I have a Lenovo P51 with 32.0 GB RAM. That seems to do well.
Chris Kirchberg, M.S.2
Data Scientist, Life Sciences - Global Technical Enablement
JMP Statistical Discovery, LLC. - Denver, CO
Tel: +1-919-531-9927 ▪ Mobile: +1-303-378-7419 ▪ E-mail: chris.kirchberg@jmp.com