Hi @NWolfe,
Thanks for the reply.
As factors in a mixture design are not independent from each other (mixture components sum up to 1), this constraint introduces correlations among the parameter estimates. This correlation inflates the standard errors of the parameter estimates, which in turn reduces the power and make it more difficult to screen and assess statistical significance of mixture factors.
There are some designs that can help (D-optimal mixture designs, ABCD designs), but you will still have difficulties in assessing statistical significance for the parameters in the model. You can still assess relative practical importance of your factors by looking and comparing the parameters estimates.
There might be several options to create an optimization mixture design with your constraints:
- Model-based Mixture design : Start with a Custom (D-optimal) Design, add the mixture factors with their ranges, and specify in the model main effects and some 2-factors interactions : none between X1 and X2 or X1 and X3 if you want X1 and X2/X3 to not be mixed in any formulation experiment. This type of design will look like this (example with 20 runs here, you can change the number of runs, and you can of course round up the extremely low value like 4,88e-15 to 0) :
Here is the script to generate the design :
Custom Design,
{Add Response( Maximize, "Y", ., ., . ), Add Factor( Mixture, 0.2, 1, "Z", 0 ),
Add Factor( Mixture, 0, 0.8, "X1", 0 ), Add Factor( Mixture, 0, 0.8, "X2", 0 ),
Add Factor( Mixture, 0, 0.8, "X3", 0 ), Set Random Seed( 550059023 ),
Number of Starts( 4436 ), Add Term( {1, 1} ), Add Term( {2, 1} ),
Add Term( {3, 1} ), Add Term( {4, 1} ), Add Term( {3, 1}, {4, 1} ),
Add Term( {1, 1}, {2, 1} ), Add Term( {1, 1}, {3, 1} ),
Add Term( {1, 1}, {4, 1} ), Add Term( {1, 1}, {3, 1}, {4, 1} ),
Set Sample Size( 20 ), Optimality Criterion( "Make D-Optimal Design" ),
Simulate Responses( 0 ), Save X Matrix( 0 ), Make Design,
Set Run Order( Randomize ), Make Table}
- Model-agnostic Mixture design : Since you mention optimization, another possible option could be to consider Space-filling Mixture design with your constraints. This type of design does not assume any model before the analysis, so you have some flexibility about the modeling, from "standard" regression models (with different complexities) to Machine Learning models like SVM, Gaussian Process, Neural Networks... If this option is interesting for you and you would like to have an example for your case, I can also propose a possible Space-filling design.
I hope this first answer will help you,
"It is not unusual for a well-designed experiment to analyze itself" (Box, Hunter and Hunter)