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Level II

JMP Control Charts and identification of points violating run rules

Data values violating the selected run rules are identified in the control chart; how can I get those points labeled or identified in the data table other than by clicking on them in the charts? How can I tell JMP to label the corresponding row numbers in the data table or in a list?



Accepted Solutions
Level X

Re: JMP Control Charts and identification of points violating run rules

It turns out that the method above is not required since (from JMP 12) Control Chart Builder can do what's required via the summary table it generates:


// Make a chart from dt1 using Control Chart Builder

dt1 = Open("$Sample_Data/Quality Control/");

ccb = dt1 << Control Chart Builder(

       Variables( Subgroup( :Sample ), Y( :weight ) ),


             Position( 1 ),


                    Test 1( 1 ),

                    Test 2( 1 ),

                    Test 3( 1 ),

                    Test 4( 1 ),

                    Test 5( 1 ),

                    Test 6( 1 ),

                    Test 7( 1 ),

                    Test 8( 1 )



       Chart( Position( 2 ) )


// Save summaries to a new table dt2

dt2 = ccb << SaveSummaries;

// Rule violations occur in dt2 in the column "Test Failures" as comma delimited text ("" if no violations)

dt2 << SelectWhere(:Test Failures != "");

View solution in original post

Level X

Re: JMP Control Charts and identification of points violating run rules

Not particularly elegant, but you can coerce the 'Alarm Script()' to do this using the approach below (for details of the 'Alarm Script()' see the 'Scripting Guide' under 'Help > Books'):


ClearLog();  // Required beacuse we need to 'scrape' the contents of the log window (see below)

// Make a sample data table. Because the data generated is perfectly 'in control' we may need lots of samples

ss = 5;  // Sample Size

ns = 500;  // Number of Samples

sv = SortAscending(Repeat((1::ns)`, ss));

dt = NewTable("Using an Alarm Script Retrospectively",

  NewColumn("Weight", Numeric, Continuous, Formula(RandomNormal(0, 1))),

  NewColumn("Sample", Numeric, Continuour, Values(sv))


// Make an XBar - R chart, and apply three of the tests to flag out of control conditions

dt << Control Chart(

  // Note that the alarm script HAS TO APPEAR FIRST inside 'ControlChart()'!

  Alarm Script( Write("--->Failing Rule Number: ", QC_Test, "  Sample Number: ", QC_Sample, "  Sample start row: ", QC_FirstRow, "  Sample end row: ", QC_LastRow, "\!N") ),

  Chart Col( :Weight, Xbar( Test 1( 1 ), Test 2( 1 ), Test 5( 1 ) ), R ),

  Sample Size( :Sample ),

  Ksigma( 3 )


// The alarm script only gives options to 'Speak', 'Write' (to the log and used above) or 'Email', because as the name implies, it is intended for real time

// use. To use it retrospectively, the best way is to 'scrape' the necessary values from the log window . . .

txt = GetLog();  // txt is a list, with (text) items corresponding to each row in the log window

// This code selects all rows in dt that are associated with an out of control flag . . .

rows2select = [];

for (a=1, a<=NItems(txt)-1, a++,

  wordsInLine = Words(txt[a], " ");

  if(wordsInLine[1] == "--->Failing",

  sampleStartRow = Num(wordsInLine[11]);

  sampleEndRow = Num(wordsInLine[15]);

  rows2select = VConcat(rows2select, (sampleStartRow::sampleEndRow)`)



dt << selectRows(rows2select);

Level X

Re: JMP Control Charts and identification of points violating run rules

It turns out that the method above is not required since (from JMP 12) Control Chart Builder can do what's required via the summary table it generates:


// Make a chart from dt1 using Control Chart Builder

dt1 = Open("$Sample_Data/Quality Control/");

ccb = dt1 << Control Chart Builder(

       Variables( Subgroup( :Sample ), Y( :weight ) ),


             Position( 1 ),


                    Test 1( 1 ),

                    Test 2( 1 ),

                    Test 3( 1 ),

                    Test 4( 1 ),

                    Test 5( 1 ),

                    Test 6( 1 ),

                    Test 7( 1 ),

                    Test 8( 1 )



       Chart( Position( 2 ) )


// Save summaries to a new table dt2

dt2 = ccb << SaveSummaries;

// Rule violations occur in dt2 in the column "Test Failures" as comma delimited text ("" if no violations)

dt2 << SelectWhere(:Test Failures != "");