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JMP Application : access dynamic panel box child elements


i am writing a app code which will dynamically create a textbox label and text edit box when user specifies how many is needed on button click

textEditBoxList = {};  // global variable
LoadSteps = function ({thisBox}, {Default Local}, steps_number = NumberEdit1 << Get; // get number of items from number edit box For(i=1, i<= steps_number,i++, textBox = Text Box("Step : " || Char(i)); textBox << Set Width(100); textEBox = Text Edit Box( "Enter text here..."); textEBox << Set Width(300); Insert Into(textEditBoxList,textEBox); print(textEditBoxList); // Its always empty Panel1 << Append( H List Box( textBox, textEBox ) ); ); );

Now on another button click i want to access the contents of textEBox of all child elements of panel box.

i tried creating a global variable and accessing through it but dosent work. any alternative or better way to achieve this would be helpful.


Thanks in advance




Super User

Re: JMP Application : access dynamic panel box child elements

Either use XPath to get a list of references to a Text Edit Box (or text box) or utilize a list like you are doing

Names Default To Here(1);

nw = New Window("", 
	panel1 = Lineup Box(N Col(2))

steps_number = 3;
textEditBoxList = {};

For(i = 1, i <= steps_number, i++,
	textBox = Text Box("Step : " || Char(i));
	textBox << Set Width(100);
	textEBox = Text Edit Box("Enter text here...");
	textEBox << Set Width(300);
	Insert Into(textEditBoxList, textEBox);
	Panel1 << Append(H List Box(textBox, textEBox));

tebs = panel1 << XPath("//TextEditBox");

show(tebs, textEditBoxList);
