I made a slight error in my previous pseudo code example,
dtShort:Compare Column[i] > dtLong:Compare Column
Needs to be reversed in logic for it to work
dtLong:Compare Column > dtShort:Compare Column[i]
Here is a working example
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dtLong = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
// Create the short data table
dtShort = New Table( "Short",
New Column( "Target Age", values( {12, 16} ) ),
New Column( "Match", character, values( {"Teenager", "Young Adult"} ) )
// Sort the data for illustration of data not being
// in age order
dtLong << sort( by( :Name ), replace table( 1 ) );
// Create a couple of new columns in the data table
dtLong << New Column( "Kind Of Match", character );
dtLong << New Column( "Count" );
// Process the data
For( i = 1, i <= N Rows( dtShort ), i++,
// Find all rows that match the Where Clause
theRowsFound = dtLong << get rows where( dtLong:Age > dtShort:Target Age[i] );
// If some rows were found process
If( N Rows( theRowsFound ) > 0,
// Set a value in the dtLong data table with one statement
// that sets values in multiple rows
dtLong:Kind Of Match[theRowsFound] = dtShort:Match[i];
// Now set values row by row for individual rows that were found
theCount = 1;
For( k = 1, k <= N Items( theRowsFound ), K++,
dtLong:Count[theRowsFound[k]] = theCount;
theCount = theCount + 1;