I faced a problem and appologize in advance that it might be a foolish question.
make simple, the situation is,
Data is
where y1,y2,y3 are the Batch number (Lot number)
So, there should be 3 respective regression line.
I tested the line comparability and the conclusion was "Different Slope and Different Intercept"
Thus, I put the Variables into the Model Fit platform as,

where G'=y and month=t.
The results were reasonable until the Confidence Interval is saved in Columns.

So far above method is method A.
However, by different way, method B,
Inputs are as follows,

The overall results seems SAME but,
Confidence Interval is DIFFERENTLY calculated from method A.

(you can focus only to the last row, comparing the values to the previous data figure... there is huge gap. 204 <> 247)
so, my question is,
where the reason lies for this difference?
To be honest, as I let JMP deals the DATA as "Different Slope and Different Intercept" (of course in case of both method A and B),
The Confidence interval should be look like the results of the method B.
Method A's Confidence intervals are so much alike among the batch 1,2, and 3.
Please help me.
Sorry for long story and english.