Hello everyone.
I am studying JSL to making contour plot easily.
But I have a problem about 'specify contours()' function.
When I run this code, the spec is fixed one.
Could you please give me help?
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
win = New Window( "Select Item(s)",
Text Box( "Item List" ),
H List Box(
allcols = Col List Box( dt, all ),
Lineup Box(
V List Box(
bbAdd = Button Box( "Add", xcols << append( allcols << get selected ) ),
bbRemove = Button Box( "Remove", xcols << remove selected )
xcols = Col List Box( "Numeric", <<Modeling Type( {"Continuous"} ), min items( 1 ) )
V List Box(
bbOK = Button Box( "OK",
xvar = (xcols << Get Items);
str = "";
If( NItems( xvar ) == 0,
ErrWin = New Window( "Sorry",
Text Box( "\!N Please add item at least one \!N\!N" )
bbCancel = Button Box( "Cancel", Throw() )
dt << Contour Plot(
X( :height, :weight ),
Y( Eval(xvar) ),
Legend( 2 ),
Show Contours( 1 ),
Show Data Points( 0 ),
Fill Areas( 1 ),
Label Contours( 0 ),
Color Theme( "Blue White Red" ), Specify Contours( Min(Column( dt,Eval(xvar))[3]), Max( Column( dt, Eval( xvar))[4]), N( 10 ) ),
Dispatch( {}, "meow", TextEditBox, {Rotate Text( "Horizontal" )} ),
"Contour Plot Graph",
{Frame Size( 700, 700 ), Marker Size( 2 ), Marker Drawing Mode( "Normal" ),
Marker Selection Mode( "Unselected Faded" )
Dispatch( {}, "", AxisBox( 2 ), {Add Axis Label( "-meow-" )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "Contour Legend", FrameBox, {Frame Size( 101, 87 )} )
Thank you.