The information is contained in the results from get selected properties, but you might have to do some work to unpick the information. Here is an example:
// example from the scripting guide
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
dt << Select Properties( {2, 4} );
proplist = dt << Get Selected Properties();
// number of selected scripts
numSelectedScripts = nitems(proplist);
// pattern for picking out the script name
pat = "\!"en\!" => \!"" + PatArb()>>strScriptName + "\!"";
// build list of script names based on selection
lstScriptNames = {};
for (i=1,i<=numSelectedScripts,i++,
strScriptName = char(proplist[i]);
success = PatMatch(strScriptName,pat);
if (success,