Hi all, I'm using JMP Pro 15.2.1.
I have lingering confusion about blocking in a designed experiment. In particular, whether I am indeed blocking at all.
In my experiment, I have three 2-level (on/off) factors of interest. The response variable is the time-to-perform a task. I want to do a 2x2x2 factorial and I'm interested in testing the significance of main effects and 2-way interactions. I have 24 runs avail, or 3 reps of the 8 treatments.
Suppose further that I have 6 different operators performing the runs. I am not interested in the operator effect, but I want to account for this source of variation. Complicating matters, due to a constraint I can't control, each operator will "show up" and be assigned different numbers of runs: anywhere between 2-6 runs of the randomized 24 run table.
Suppose I conducted the experiment in this manner:
- operator 1 showed up, available to perform, say, 6 runs; I assigned six random treatments from the 24 run table to operator 1.
- operator 2 showed up, available to perform, say, 4 runs; I assigned 4 random treatments from the remaining 18 runs to operator 2.
- repeat with the remaining operators until the 24 runs are complete.
So, this is not exactly a blocked design. The Operator was not a constraint on randomization. It's more like a categorical covariate. The operators differ in skill, presumably, but I don't have any quantitative proxy measure for their skill (such as years of experience or a baseline performance test).
When I conduct the analysis, do I simply include the Operator term (as a random effect, since the six operators are a sample from the population) to account for this source of variation? Do I assign a design role (using JMP column properties) to the Operator column? If so, do I assign it a blocking role or a covariate role? Or is that inappropriate given how I conducted the experiment? Or do I simply enter the Operator factor in the model like any other main effect, and simply disregard its significance since I'm not interested in it per se?
Should I be looking at BIBD? The JMP module for that did not seem to fit my constraints.
Thanks all.