Thank you for your answers. Maybe I wasn't clear enough in stating my problem indeed.
The main blocking point is that I can get the Maximum of the column "median_range_mm" with the filter on the column "target_status" with code :
maxValue = Max( :median_range_mm [dt << get rows where( :target_status == 5 | :target_status == 9 ) ] ); // ==> OK
minValue = Min( :median_range_mm[dt << get rows where( :target_status == 5 | :target_status == 9 )] ); // ==> OK
But once I iterate over columns :
For( p = 2, p <= dim, p++,
name = Column("target_status " || Char( p ));
nom = Column("median_range_mm " || Char( p ));
MaxValueVar = Max( nom [dt << get rows where ( name == 5 | name == 9 )] );
MaxValueVar and MinValueVar get no data "." (I guess it is Missing Value character for numeric columns) .
On debugging window I think the type of "name" and "nom" matters. It's not a column type...
The idea is that "name" is the column "target_status 2" then 3 then 4 ... with iteration on p.
Same idea with "nom" which is the column "median_range_mm 2" then 3 then 4 ....
So for p = 2, I'm looking for the maximum of median_range_mm 2 where "target_status 2" == 5 or 9.
Then p = 3 ... until 64
Finally, if "maximum of median_range_3" > "maximum of median_range_2" then "maximum of median_range_3 takes the maxValue :
MaxValueVar > maxValue, maxValue = MaxValueVar,
MinValueVar < minValue, minValue = MinValueVar
Thanks for reading,