I have this example code where the user selects an option from the radio box which then brings them to another window. I am able to get this to work for the radio and combo box, but ideally, I would like it to be a list box. However, the list box doesn't do anything when, selecting "one" and pressing "ok". Is there an extra piece of code I need to include to make a list box functional?
Appreciate the help!
win = New Window( "test",
Text Box(""),
Panel Box( "test", rbTest = radio Box( {"one", "two", "three", "four"} ) ),
Spacer Box( size( 20, 10 ) ),
H List Box(
Button Box( "OK",
pTest = rbTest << get selected;
flagExecute = 0;
Button Box( "Cancel", flagExecute = 1 ),
If(pTest == "one",
win = New Window( "check",
Panel Box( "check", rbProd = Radio Box( {"check"} ), ),
Spacer Box( size( 20, 10 ) ),