I noticed a typo in the original version of the code below, which I have corrected. In the last line, the typo was:
nrow (s)
Instead, use:
nrow (h)
Of course, nrow (n) or nrow(m) would also work since each of the vectors h, n and m have the same number of rows.
Sorry about that.
/////////////////////////////Original post:
In looking into the performance of the table-based approach, it is much slower than matrix-based approaches, which might offset its simplicity, depending on your table.
Here is another matrix-based approach; while it performs similarly to the one Ian posted, I include it for a few reasons: a) to introduce the idea of a "selected" column, which flags 1 if a row is selected and 0 otherwise, b) to show a "hack" of the summarize function and c) because this avoids looping and the potential indexing pitfalls associated therewith.
First: the "Selected" column. In the first line of the code below, we add a new column to the table, which sets itself to 1 in selected rows, and 0 elsewhere. This allows us to create an additional grouping column, with the goal of using table-based platforms and functions like Summary and Summarize, without having to create new tables.
Next, the Summarize () hack: note that we group by :selected and :height. While the h, n and m values are returned in matrices, the by variable(s) values are placed in lists of strings... even if they COULD be placed into matrices. So in this case, b is a list of two lists of strings. Thus, if we want any of these values in matrix form, we can either convert the desired list of strings into a matrix (which is expensive if the list is large) or we can compute a "cheap" statistic, like Min or Max, on the very same column, to get those values... which is what we do below for the height column.
dt << New Column( "Selected", formula( Selected( Row State() ) ) );
dt << Select Rows( 6 :: 35 );
Summarize( dt, b = by( :Selected, :height ), h = max( :height), n = Count( :weight ), m = Mean( :weight ) );
sumMat = (h || n || m)[contains(b[1], "1"):: nrow(h),0]; //only use the results where selected == 1