Okay, I'm stumped and have finally reconciled myself to the fact that I just don't know enough about JSL to do this on my own. I'm still fairly new to JSL, but I want to streamline things for folks I work with. I have a script built that is getting close to what I want, I just can't figure out how to have my row selection function use info manually typed into a text edit box.
The goal is to have a user hit a Journal button that will pop up a window with a text box they can enter info into. Then they'll be able to hit the button box directly below the edit field which will run a script to select rows that contain the text string they typed. I've pasted in what I have so far, but I know there's a disconnect with lines 6 and 9. My intention was to assign the text edit box input as an object but I think that's where I'm messing up. I just can't reconcile how to get the info typed into the text edit box into the row selection portion. Many thanks for any help!
Lot Identifier = New Window("Assay Identifier by Lot Tested",
Border Box( top( 10 ), bottom( 10 ), Left( 120 ), Right( 120 ),
H Center Box(Text Box("Input Lot ID")),
Spacer Box(size(1,10)),
H list box( text box("Lot: "), ID=Text Edit Box()),
H Center Box(
Button Box("Select Rows with Lot Number", Current Data Table() << Row Selection(
Select where( Contains( :assay, ID ) ),
Match case( 0 ),
Dialog( Edit( Contains( Source Column( :assay ) ) ), Keep dialog open( 0 ) )