I would like to use a JMP script to automatically set the desirability for a JMP column, based on the statistics of the column itself. I would like to do this because I have multiple metrics and I would like to combine them in a single desirability metric using the JMP profiler platform. I am a JMP 16.1 user.
Unfortunately the following code does not work - the response limits are set but the value is missing:
median = Col Quantile( :"A", 0.5);
limit1 = Col Quantile( :"A", 0.95);
limit2 = Col Quantile( :"A", 0.05);
low_limit = if(limit1<limit2, limit1, limit2);
upper_limit = if(limit1>limit2, limit1, limit2);
Data Table( "TS_Table" ):"A"n <<
Set Property(
"Response Limits",
{Goal( Maximize ), Lower( low_limit, 0.05 ), Middle( median, 1 ),
Upper( up_limit, 0.05 ), Importance( 2 ), Show Limits( 1 )}
If I replace the variables with the an actual value, the setting of the response limits works fine.
Am I doing something wrong when I evaluate the variables in the set Property function?
Thanks in advance for the help