I am replying to your direct email to me, because your question to me was something that I believe others may find useful. The direct emails are not available for searching by the general user community.
Here is my response to your direct email to me, which said:
Jim, sorry, I have 100 columns name(original) in my data file (names go in a row), I bring some of them:
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4.1 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.5.5 1.5.6 1.5.7 1.5.8
I try list them using comma as separator in your script (but it does not work)... Ed
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "F:/R/data/donor.jmp" );
dis = dt << Distribution( Nominal Distribution( Column( : 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc. ) ) );
Report( dis )["Frequencies"][Table Box( 1 )][Number Col Box( 2 )] <<
set format( "Percent", 7, 1 ) << set heading( "Percent" );
The code you specified to create the distributions is incorrect, and additionally, the code required to handle multiple distributions forces a change in the code required to pass through all of the outputs to change the Frequencies tables
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = New Table( "All Nominal",
Add Rows( 40 ),
New Column("1.1",
Set Values(
New Column("1.2",
Set Values(
{"12", "12", "12", "12", "12", "12", "12", "12", "13", "13", "13", "13",
"13", "13", "13", "14", "14", "14", "14", "14", "14", "14", "14", "14",
"14", "14", "14", "15", "15", "15", "15", "15", "15", "15", "16", "16",
"16", "17", "17", "17"}
New Column("1.3",
Character( 1 ),
Set Values(
{"F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "M", "M", "M", "F", "F", "F", "M", "M", "M",
"M", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "M", "M", "M", "M", "M", "M", "M", "F",
"F", "M", "M", "M", "M", "M", "F", "F", "M", "F", "M", "M"}
New Column("1.4",
Set Values(
{"59", "61", "55", "66", "52", "60", "61", "51", "60", "61", "56", "65",
"63", "58", "59", "61", "62", "65", "63", "62", "63", "64", "65", "64",
"68", "64", "69", "62", "64", "67", "65", "66", "62", "66", "65", "60",
"68", "62", "68", "70"}
New Column("1.5",
Set Values(
{"95", "123", "74", "145", "64", "84", "128", "79", "112", "107", "67",
"98", "105", "95", "79", "81", "91", "142", "84", "85", "93", "99",
"119", "92", "112", "99", "113", "92", "112", "128", "111", "105", "104",
"106", "112", "115", "128", "116", "134", "172"}
// Run the distributions
dis = dt << Distribution(
Nominal Distribution( Column( :Name( "1.1" ) ) ),
Nominal Distribution( Column( :Name( "1.2" ) ) ),
Nominal Distribution( Column( :Name( "1.3" ) ) ),
Nominal Distribution( Column( :Name( "1.4" ) ) ),
Nominal Distribution( Column( :Name( "1.5" ) ) )
// Change the tables
// Because of Your column names(this is a JMP bug I believe), we have
// to use a direct reference to the Outline Box number. See below where
// if the column names were not of the form 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc. a better
// reference could be made
For( i = 2, i <= N Col( dt ) * 2, i++,
Report( dis )[Outline Box( i )]["Frequencies"][Table Box( 1 )][Number Col Box( 2 )] <<
set format( "Percent", 7, 2 ) << set heading( "Percent" )
/*For( i = 1, i <= N Col( dt ), i++,
Report( dis )[column(dt,i)<<get name]["Frequencies"][Table Box( 1 )][Number Col Box( 2 )] <<
set format( "Percent", 7, 2 ) << set heading( "Percent" )