Here is my take on the issue, where you can just specift which column numbers you want to transform
Names Default To Here( 1 );
//setup example data
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Blood" );
// add a complex col name to insure script can handle them
dt:bp 8m << set name( "BP+8M" );
// make table large
For( i = 1, i <= 11000, i++,
dt << New Column( Column( dt, Mod( i, 9 ) + 3 ) << get name,
set each value( As Column( dt, Mod( i, 9 ) + 3 ) )
// get rid of first 2 non useful columns
dt << delete columns( 1, 2 );
// get list of col names
colList = dt << get column names();
//set column numbers to be used
startColNum = 5;
endColNum = 10100;
// transform columns
transList = {};
For( i = startColNum , i <= endColNum, i++,
Insert Into( transList, colList[i] )
dt << Transpose( columns( transList ) );