There are many many ways to do this, solution will differ depending on if high performance is required or not. Below is one example using associative array to get unique values, concat items to make string to compare to and then Contains to look for matches.
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = New Table("Untitled",
Add Rows(7),
New Column("col1",
Set Values({"GCF055.TOP", "SCF015.DOWN", "SCFCNV422.TOP", "SCF866.TOP", "SCGCF009.DOWN", "SCF866.UP", "SCF015.UP"})
New Column("col2", Character(16), "Nominal", Set Values({"FCN4222", "FCNV4222", "FCNV4222FF", "GCF009", "", "", ""})),
New Column("col3", Character(16), "Nominal", Set Values({"not found", "found", "not found", "found", "", "", ""}))
dt << New Column("Found", Character, Nominal, << Formula(
If(Row() == 1,
col_vals = Associative Array(:col1 << get values) << get keys; // to eliminate dublicates
search_str = Concat Items(col_vals, " "); // should use some character not found as separator
If(Contains(search_str, :col2),
"not found"