Hi Winfried,
You can get the titles of the outline nodes in the reports and parse them to get the by group values from them. The Get Title message may be what you're looking for.
Here's an example.
Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/SATByYear.jmp" );
bubbles = Bubble Plot(
X( :SAT Math ),
Y( :SAT Verbal ),
Sizes( :Name( "% Taking (2004)" ) ),
ID( :State ),
All Labels( 1 ),
by( :Region, year )
bygroups = {};
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( bubbles ), i++,
title = (Report( bubbles[i] )[Outline Box( 1 )]) << get title;
bygroup = Word( -1, Word( 1, title, "," ) ) || "," ||
Word( 2, title, "," );
Insert Into( bygroups, bygroup );
Show( bygroups );