Hi @Damian ,
Came back across this posting recently while working on some FFT work.
As has been mentioned, you can do a FFT on a time series data, but you have to script it. You'll have to generate your own frequency column based on the number of rows and sampling rate. Also, a very important thing to keep in mind is that you need to scale the FFT results based on the number of rows you have in your data table. Why JMP doesn't do this automatically, I don't know.
When you call the FFT function you need to include a command <<Scale(1/NRows(dt)) inside the FFT call function so it looks like this:
FFT({data}, <<Scale(1/Nrows(dt)))
where dt is the reference to your data table in the JSL script. If you don't and you perform the inverse FFT, you'll get results that are NRows(dt) times bigger than the original data.
Unfortunately, there's not a lot of information within the Scripting Index or online JMP Help that describes the FFT and how it's done or why the scaling is not automatically there.
Anyway, with the FFT command you can then plot the absolute value of the FFT output vs your calculated Frequency domain and see where the peaks in frequency are.
Hope this helps!,