Graph Builder has a 'Size' drop zone, which controls the marker sizes for different levels of a variable.
But if that doesn't give you what you want, you can alternatively use markers defined by row states, and then add a graphics script to manipulate marker size.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
// Make a table
dt = New Table( "Test Marker Size",
New Column( "X", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( Random Normal() ) ),
New Column( "Y", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( Random Normal() ) ),
New Column( "Label", Numeric, Nominal, Formula( Random Integer( 3 ) ) ),
AddRows( 20 )
dt << runFormulas;
// Assign default markers and colours
dt << ColorByColumn( :Label );
// Graph Builder
gb = dt << Graph Builder( Variables( X( :X ), Y( :Y ) ), Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 5 ) ) ) );
Wait( 3 );
// Add graphics script
Report( gb )[FrameBox( 1 )]
<< AddGraphicsScript(
// Plot over the markers with bigger ones when 'Label' is 3
dt = Data Table( "Test Marker Size" );
r3 = dt << getRowsWhere( :Label == 3 );
For( r = 1, r <= N Rows( r3 ), r++,
x3 = Column( dt, "X" )[r3[r]];
y3 = Column( dt, "Y" )[r3[r]];
ms3 = Combine States(
Marker State( Marker Of( Row State( r3[r] ) ) ),
Color State( Color Of( Row State( r3[r] ) ) )
Marker( ms3, {x3, y3} );
Marker Size( 10 );