Here is an example script generating a table with the parameter estimates. The script assumes that the different plots are generated using the "by" command/box in the Bivariate platform.
//Open datatable and make report
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
biv = Bivariate(
Y( :weight ),
X( :height ),
Fit Line( {Line Color( "Red" )} ),
By( :age )
rbiv = biv << report;
Summarize( groups = by( age ) ); // A list of all by-groups
n = N Items( groups );
//Create output table and fill with estimates
dtOut = New Table( "Regression parameters",
New Column( "Group", Character ),
New Column( "Intercept", numeric ),
New Column( "Slope", numeric ),
addrows( n ));
For( j = 1, j <= n, j++,
Estimates = rbiv[j]["Linear Fit"]["Parameter Estimates"][1][3] << get as matrix;
:Group[j] = groups[j];
:Intercept[j] = Estimates[1];
:Slope[j] = Estimates[2]);