This script below generates data in a format similar to my actual data and then plots charts in a layout I would like.
Multiple parameters are plotted in the y-axis as they are selected in the local data filter. This is useful for me as I can compare trends on related parameters in my actual data.
Without using Graph builders "Page" option or creating additional columns in the data table, is there a way to get independent best-fit/auto y-axis scales as parameters are selected in local data filter? I am thinking in terms of getting a handle to the Display Trees and Filter Change Handler, but do know how to proceed. Some help would be useful.
Names Default To Here(1);
clear log ();
dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/");
// Combine columns 1
Data Table( "Probe" ) << Combine Columns(columns( :Lot ID, :Wafer Number ), Column Name( "LotWafer" ), Delimiter( "." ));
// Combine columns 2
Data Table( "Probe" ) << Combine Columns(columns( :Die X, :Die Y ), Column Name( "[X,Y]" ), Delimiter( "," ));
// Delete columns
Data Table( "Probe" ) << Delete Columns( :Lot ID, :Wafer Number, :Die X, :Die Y );
grouped_cols = dt << get column group( "Responses" );
// Transpose data table // → Data Table( "Transpose of Probe" )
Data Table( "Probe" ) << Transpose( columns (grouped_cols), By( :LotWafer, :Process, :Start Time ),
Label( :Site ), Output Table( "Transpose of Probe" ));
close (dt, no save);
// Add column
dt = Current Data Table ();
Data Table( "Transpose of Probe" )
<< New Column("Mean", Numeric, "Continuous", Format("Best", 12 ), Formula(Mean( :"1"n, :"2"n, :"3"n, :"4"n, :"5"n )));
//Plot chart
dt = Graph Builder(
Size( 570, 458 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Y Group Edge( "Left" ),
Variables(X(:LotWafer, Order By( :Start Time, Ascending, Order Statistic( "Mean" ) )),
Y( :Mean ), Group Y(:Label, Order By( :Process, Ascending, Order Statistic( "Mean" ) )) ),
Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 23 ) ) ),
Local Data Filter(Conditional, Add Filter(columns( :Label ),Where( :Label == {"30D1_7X100_IL_12V", "30D1_7X100_IL_25V"} ),
Display( :Label, Find( Set Text( "" ) ) ))),
SendToReport(Dispatch({},"Mean",ScaleBox,{ Min( -0.0000336 ), Max( 0.00004544 ), Inc( 0.00001 ),Minor Ticks( 1 )})));
Note the Min/Max values in the last line copied from the script after interactively using the Graph Builder to display data properly.
When it's too good to be true, it's neither