With scripting, all things are possible in JMP. Using a JMP platform is probably not going to happen for you with just summary statistics on your groups. How comfortable are you with the idea of using a script and doing the computations yourself? How many groups are you comparing?
If you are comparing several groups simultaneously, I'd recommend using ANOVA and Tukey's HSD. Doing t-tests on all pairs is the classic multiple comparisons situation. If you are unfamiliar with that, check out this Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_comparisons_problem. However, these days people seem to care less about family-wise error rates. Up to you.
If you want to do the ANOVA/Tukey approach with your summary statistics, you can use this handy little calculator: http://statpages.info/anova1sm.html. I'm sure there's a million t-test calculators out there that just take the summary statistics if you Google it.
-- Cameron Willden