If you use the "?" tool from the tool bar at the top of the window
or while clicked into a JMP window, you press the ? key, you will get a "?" cursor, that you can move over any object in the window and then click on it. It will open a context sensitive help window. In answering your question, if you click on the Parameter Estimates table, the help screens that pop up will provide you with details of what the Parameter Estimates are. Included in the documentation is:
When X'X is singular, a generalized inverse is used to obtain estimates. This approach permits some, but not all, of the parameters involved in a linear dependency to be estimated. Parameters are estimated based on the order of entry of their associated terms into the model, so that the last terms entered are the ones whose parameters are not estimated. Estimates are given in the Parameter Estimates report, and parameters that cannot be estimated are given estimates of 0.
So for your study, these estimates are not of any interest. You should concentrate on the Effect Tests and any subsequent LSMeans comparisons you perform.