I want to create a list box with column name and feed the selected value to “WHJ” position in script below....
1. How to create a list box with columns? Part of the main list box.
2. How to assign a value selected from list box to a plot in Xaxis grouping. (I tried assigning to a variable, but it does not take variable in X(grouping columns ))
window = New window ("data Analysis",
<< modal,
V list Box( /// main list box
Text Box("Select PARAMETER to run analysis by:", << set font style("Bold")),
Analysis_By = combo box({"WHJ, "ZZZ"}),
Spacer Box(Size(50,0)),
Text Box("Enter directory where you to save :", << set font style("Bold")),
save_dir = Text Edit Box("", << Justify Text (Left), <<Set Width(500)),
Text Box("Enter Identifier(e.g. Week, Date.) :", << set font style("Bold")),
ID = Text Edit Box("", << Justify Text (Left), <<Set Width(500)),
Text Box(""),
spacer box(Size(100,0)),
Text Box("\!N"),
H list box(
Spacer Box(Size(30,0)),
Text Box("plots", << set font style("Italic"), << set font size(11)),
group1 = List Box({"","ABC","XYZ", "MNO”}),
plot = lkl_lkh << Variability Chart(
SendToByGroup( {:Pin_group == "Input"} ),
Y( :Test_Data ),
SendToByGroup( {:Pin_group == "Input"}, Y( :Test_Data ) ),
SendToByGroup( {:Pin_group == "Output"}, Y( :Test_Data ) ),
X( :Corner, :Leak, :WHJ),
Std Dev Chart( 0 ),
Points Jittered( 1 ),
AIAG Labels( 0 ),
Connect Cell means(0),
Show Box Plots(1),
Variability Summary Report(1),