How to change range of Group Y data in Graph Buildfer
Dec 22, 2017 07:10 AM(16325 views)
Group Y in a Graph Builder chart has grouped the data as ... 8-16, 16-24.... etc (Picture attached) whereas I want 20 to be a cut-off so that the effect can be shown of values <20 and >20. Is there a way to force JMP 13.2.1 to change the range, please? I have tried changing the 'Number of Levels..' but couldn't get 20 as the end of a range on Group Y.
I believe the easiest way to do this is to create a new column using Recode that groups the "Number of Levels" into exactly the groupings you want. To use Recode, you will have to temporally change the Number of Levels column in to a character column, while you do the recoding since you will want the grouping values to be displayed as something like ">15 <= 20". Here is a simple example using the Big Class sample data table, where I have recoded the Height column into the groupings I want.
I could manually recode the data, but the manual recoding may be difficult for big data. As a different approach, I copied the column and tried to create a formula to create the groups, but the formula is only partially working for some reason (screenshot enclosed for BigClass data). Not sure if there is some mistake in the formula or if this approach is not possible. Thanks