I think one of the examples from Scripting Index should get you almost there

You just need to add opening your tables, saving of your data table, closing manage limits platform and closing of tables (if needed). Extra things you might want to implement commented out
Names Default To Here(1);
// dt_limits = Open("...");
// dt_meas = Open("...");
dt_limits = New Table("Cities Limits",
Add Rows(4),
New Column("Process",
Set Values({"OZONE", "CO", "SO2", "NO"})
New Column("LSL", Numeric, Set Values([0, 0, 0, 0])),
New Column("Target",
Set Values([0.2, 15, 0.05, 0.035])
New Column("USL",
Set Values([0.4, 30, 0.1, 0.07])
Set Label Columns(:Process)
dt_meas = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Cities.jmp");
ml = dt_meas << Manage Limits(
Process Variables(:OZONE, :CO, :SO2, :NO),
Load From Limits Table(dtLimits)
ml << Save to Column Properties;
// ml << close window;
// dt_meas << Save("...");
// Close(dt_limits, no save);
// Close(dt_meas, no save);