For this purpose, use the Here namespace. It lives as long as the scripting window is open - or some created window.
It will be deleted once the script window and the reports are closed.
How to access it?
You can access any namespace if you have the "key":
At a moment with access to the namespace, just create a reference to the namespace and use it as the key.
If you store the key in the Here namespace, it's not accessible from outside.
To make it accessible from everywhere, just store it in the global namespace.
-> global "polluted" by one key variable - not by ~ 80 variables anymore : )
JMP will handle the anonymous "here" namespace and delete it once it's not needed anymore.
Names Default To Here(1);
Delete Symbols();
// Declare a variable in the outer "Here" scope
x = "Variable";
//myHere = Namespace("here"); // created inside HERE -> not accessible from local here
::myHere= Namespace("here"); // so let's create the reference in the global NS
Local Here(
:: mylocalHere= Namespace("here"); // will be deleted after local HERE
// the same for "myHere": it will be deleted once the code is finished AND the editor is closed -> very convenient
::mypersistentNamespace = New Namespace("persistent"); // manually created -> persistent
persistent:y="still alive";
// Access the outer "Here" scope variable via the namespace reference
y = Eval(::myHere << Get value ("z"));
Show(:: mylocalHere); // deleted
Show(::mypersistentNamespace) // alive
from another scripting window:
Show(:: myHere);
Show(:: mylocalHere);