Hi @mlo1,
I don't know of a non-scripting way during import to ignore a character like that. Preprocessing the file to remove the # is probably the most direct approach if you can do it. I've been in a situation like this before where editing the original file wasn't possible/preferable, and so another approach would be to fix the names after the import. The following shifts all the column names left and removes the blank last column.
dt = Current Data Table();
//get all the column names
colNames = dt << Get Column Names( String );
//remove the last column with no data
dt << Delete Columns( N Cols( dt ) );
//loop to replace names starting at the end of the table
For( c = N Cols( dt ), c > 0, c--,
Column( c ) << Set Name( colNames[c+1] )
I hope this helps!