I don't think <<Label by value is supported in Overlay Plot(). It is supported in Chart() and Graph Builder() for categorical x-axis. Chart seem not to support dual y-axes, but Graph Builder is very versatile and can produce a graph very close to your example.
Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp") << Graph Builder(
Variables(X(:age), Y(:weight), Y(:height, Position(1), Side("Right"))),
Points(X, Y(1), Legend(1), Summary Statistic("Mean")),
Bar(X, Y(1), Legend(2), Bar Style("Needle"), Label("Label by Value")),
Points(X, Y(2), Legend(4), Summary Statistic("Mean")),
Line(X, Y(2), Legend(6))
Dispatch({}, "weight", ScaleBox, {Max(300)}),
Dispatch({}, "400", ScaleBox, {Legend Model(6, Properties(0, {Line Color(19)}))})
Show Control Panel(0)