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How do you close a journal?

Level II

I saw a similar post suggesting:

window("Journal: Untitled")<<close window

 but unfortunately, this does not work. Does anyone else have anything else I can try? For reference, the journal is untitled.

(Title is: "Journal: Unnamed *VALUE*").

Super User

Re: How do you close a journal?

Current Journal() << Close Window;

might work. See Scripting Index for cor Current Journal (and for Close All)

Level II

Re: How do you close a journal?

That worked! one more question, I have a new window but I have something like:


NewWindow = New Window("Test", jrnl << Journal(),

current journal() << Close Window;H List Box(   buttonone = button box("button one"),   buttontwo = button("button two"))

It wont recognize modal, is there a reason why? it removes my buttons when I try to use it and gives me an error saying "Unknown"

Super User

Re: How do you close a journal?

I cannot understand the code you provided, but modal is missing <<

Names Default To Here(1);
	ex = New Window("Dialog() example",
		<<Return Result,
		V List Box(
			H List Box("Set this value", variable = Number Edit Box(42)),
			H List Box(Button Box("OK"), Button Box("Cancel"))
	ex["button"] == 1;