If you have JMP16+ here is one option
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = Open("$DOWNLOADS/summary.jmp");
dt_copy = dt << Subset(All Rows, Selected Columns(0), Output table("summary_scaled"));
close(dt, no save);
col_list = dt_copy << Get Column Names("String");
// first col isn't needed, second col is expected to be N Rows -> skip those
cols_of_interest = Remove(col_list, 1,2);
For Each({ncol}, cols_of_interest,
new_col = Eval(EvalExpr(
dt_copy << New Column(ncol ||"_scaled%", Numeric, Continuous, Formula(
100*Expr(Name Expr(AsColumn(ncol))) / :"N Rows"n
dt_copy << Move Selected Columns({new_col}, after(Eval(ncol)))
If you have older JMP you will have to replace For Each with For loop.