There seems to be at least three different kinds of quotes in the example dataset (“ " ”).
Example script here should handle at least all of those.
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = New Table("Error Codes Quotations",
Add Rows(3),
Compress File When Saved(1),
New Column("Error Code",
Set Values(
" **** The unit is giving a “no scanner connection” error. Unit is INOP.",
"P1-“Waiting for system authentication”, unable to run ******* Area C",
"Now reads “X-ray error\!""}
dt << New Column("BetweenQuotes_Regex", Character, Nominal, << Formula(
Regex(:Error Code, "[“|\!"|'](.*?)[”|\!"|']");
dt << New Column("BetweenQuotes_Word", Character, Nominal, << Formula(
Word(2, :Error Code, "”“\!"")