There's an "F Distribution" function, along with an assortment of other functions for calculating quantiles from statistics and vice versa, all of which are described in the online help under "Probability Functions". If you run the following lines of script you'll get a couple of the familiar results from performing tests with the F, t and Normal distributions falling out, showing how several of them work:
F95 = F Quantile(0.95, 1, 10000);
show(char(F95, 6, 3));
t95 = sqrt(F95);
show(char(t95, 6, 3));
show(char(F Distribution(F95, 1, 10000), 6, 3));
show(char(t distribution(t95, 10000), 6, 3));
show(char(Normal distribution(t95), 6, 3));
The 1 and 10000 are my numerator and denominator degrees of freedom for the F-test; an F-test on (1 and N) df is equivalent to a t-test on the square root of the F statistic on N df (but note that the F-test is one-tailed, whereas the t-test is two-tailed - and only one tail is reported in the result), and if N is large enough, the t-test approximates to a Normal test.