Hi @TCM ,
I'm not sure if I follow your question exactly, but depending on what it is, you might consider looking at the T2 statistic. You already have DModX, which tells you the distance to the model plan for each data point, and the T2 statistic (the Mahalanobis distance squared) will tell you the distance from the center of the model to each data point. You can get to this in the PCA platform by clicking the hot button and then selecting Outlier Analysis. Be sure to select the proper number of components, which should be the same as when saving your DModX formula. You can save the T2 formula to the data table as well.
If you literally want the distance between each row in the PC space, then you'll want to do mutlidimensional scaling using the two principal component. Go: Analyze > Multivariate Methods > Multidimensional Scaling. Select the PC group of columns for the Y, Columns and be sure to change "Data Format" to Attribute List and change the Set Dimensions value to however many PCs you have. Then, in the 2D MS report window, go to the hot button and select Show Proximity, it will give you a table of all possible distance combinations. You can then right click > make into data table for further analysis.
You can then visualize it like this, maybe:

Hope this helps!,