Run the below script. It has a simple input screen, it then creates a header and a simple report output. Study the script and then you should be able to go develop your own version
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/semiconductor" );
userInput = New Window( "Enter User Data",
V List Box(
Text Box( "Insert Accept Limits" ),
Spacer Box( size( 1, 15 ) ),
H List Box(
Text Box( "Enter Name for report: " ),
nameTB = Text Edit Box( "????",
<<set width( 200 ),
<<set script( reportName = nameTB << get text )
Spacer Box( size( 1, 15 ) ),
H List Box(
Text Box( "Enter Ppk Accept Limit: " ),
ppkNum = Number Edit Box(
Function( {this}, /* put my value into my sibling's display */
(ppkValue = ppkNum << get)
Spacer Box( size( 1, 15 ) ),
H List Box(
Text Box( "Enter Cc Accept Limit: " ),
ccNum = Number Edit Box(
Function( {this}, /* put my value into my sibling's display */
(ccValue = ccNum << get)
// Write to the log
Show( reportName, ppkValue, ccValue );
dNumber = "512-4447-AM";
rIDNumber = 18;
nameAndDate = Get Environment Variable( "USERNAME" ) || ", " || Format( Today(), "m/d/y" );
// Create the output with header
nw = New Window( "My Output",
Border Box( top( 10 ), Left( 10 ), Right( 10 ), bottom( 10 ), sides( 15 ),
V List Box(
Spacer Box( size( 1, 10 ) ),
Text Box( "Drawing Number " || dNumber ),
Spacer Box( size( 1, 10 ) ),
Text Box( "Report ID Number " || Char( rIDNumber ) ),
Spacer Box( size( 1, 10 ) ),
Text Box( "Name & Date " || nameAndDate ),
bivariate( x( npn1 ), y( pnp1 ) )