Hi @ileshem,
If your Date column is stored in proper date/time format, it won't actually contain characters, even though it's displayed as such. So, you'll need a function that doesn't look for the AM/PM, but rather can determine if the DateTime indicates a time after 12pm or not. I've attached a table in which I've done this using the following column formula:
If( Hour( :Time ) >= 12, "Night", "Day")
You could adapt this to work as part of your script easily, like below:
For( i = 1, i <= N Rows( dt ), i++,
If( Hour( :Time[i] ) >= 12,
:Name( "Day/Night" )[i] = "Night",
:Name( "Day/Night" )[i] = "Day"
These use the Hour() function to pull the hour of the day from the DateTime. Also, in your original JSL, you need to :Name() to reference your column Day/Night, since the special character (a slash) means the column name needs to be quoted.
I hope this helps!