I am attempting to use a button press to reveal the remaining information for a window. The user will pick a date range and that date range will be used to ping a SQL server to populate a table containing data from the matching range. Then I want to be able to use data from the table to allow the user to then make a second selection. This selection will further narrow the table down at which point it would be displayed. I am attempting to use the Unhide Next Item with a Button Box, but the items I am trying to hide do not understand the <<hide command. Is there a better way to do this? From what I can tell only Text Boxes can be hidden?
New Window("XYZTEC Data Pull",
Text Box("XYZTEC Data Pull", Set Font Style("Bold"), Set Font Size(16)),
Text Box(" "), // places blank line beneath title
Text Box("Select Date Range: ", Set Font Style("Bold Underline")),
H List Box(
V List Box(
Text Box("Start Date:"),
sDate = Number Edit Box((Today() - 31536000), 9, << Set Format(Format("m/d/y")))
V List Box(
Text Box(" ")
V List Box(
Text Box("End Date"),
eDate = Number Edit Box(Today(), 9, << Set Format(Format("m/d/y")))
Text Box(" "), // place blank line beneath date select
Outline Box("",
getDates = Button Box("Confirm Date Range",
getDates << Set Button Name("Working...");
sDate = sDate << Get;
eDate = eDate << Get;
m1517t = include("m1517t.jsl");
m1774t = include("m1774t.jsl");
m1517t << Concatenate(m1774t, Keep Formulas, Output Table Name("XYZTEC Data Pull"), Invisible);
Summarize(L = By(:Method Name));
getDates << Unhide Next Item;
getDates << Set Button Name("Complete");
dt = Current Data Table()
V List Box("",
H List Box(Button Box("OK", flag = 1), Button Box("Cancel", flag = 0)),
If(flag == 0, Stop());