As already suggested by other Community members, your different topics seem to be related to homework exercices.
Instead of asking members to directly solve your exercices, why don't you give us more details about :
- What are those exercices for ?
- Where do you have problems or difficulties related to a notion in SPC or Statistics ?
- Do you miss any explanation/understanding on a certain concept, definition, calculation ?
I think really engaging in a discussion to know more or learn more about SPC would be more interesting and fruitful for everyone.
If you need other learning ressources about Quality methods to better learn/apprehend some concepts, I can recommend the Statistical Thinking for Industrial Problem Solving module dedicated to this :
https://www.jmp.com/en_nl/online-statistics-course/quality-methods.htmlThere is also a JMP course dedicated to SPC :
https://community.jmp.com/t5/Learning-Center/JMP-Statistical-Process-Control-Course/ta-p/575330I hope you'll understand my answer (and those from other members on the different topics you brought), and that we'll have the possibility to further exchange.
"It is not unusual for a well-designed experiment to analyze itself" (Box, Hunter and Hunter)