Hello - I have been searching but haven't quite figured out how to do the following: I have a text file that contains all the data (2600+ rows worth) in one column. The data is of type character and sometimes is more than 1 word. The data is ordered in groups of 5 rows. I have imported the text file and created the 5 columns in which I would like to relocate all the data. That is, I would like to transpose the content from the first 5 rows into 5 columns (1 row per column). Then transpose the next 5 rows into those same 5 columns. Repeat until all the data is transposed across those same 5 columns.
Here's a quick example I mocked up using numbers, however my data is actually of character type (and sometimes contains more than 1 word).
I suspect the solution will require a "for" loop and JSL, however I have only dabbled a bit in JSL code and can't seem to get all my variables right as well as how to index the rows and columns.