Does anyone have any advice for modifying graph builders default scripts? I'm trying to build a stacked bar graph of some data but my issue is that jmps "stacked" option sums all of my data together (stacking it all), when I would rather it not sum the data and essentially overlay the different layers into one bar. Here are some pictures to help.
So my starting point is this bar graph, with my different classes represented side-by-side.
As you can see here my highest value is roughly 1:00:00. I would like to condense each of the coverage categories into one bar, but the default options are not pretty. If I stack them (see below) it sums them all and my highest value becomes 4:00:00 which is not desirable.
The closest option is nested (below), but frankly this looks absolutely terrible and hurts my eyes.
Is there a way to modify this nested format so all the bars have the same width, and the shortest ORF Length bar is placed as the top layer, so that all ORF Length bars are visible in a single bar.
Bullet style (below) is also a similar option. But the problem here is; again not all bars are equal widths, and more importlantly it doesn't reorder how the ORF Length bars are ordered, so many of the shorter bars (ie 500) are hidden behind larger bars.
Anyone have any thoughts or ideas how to fix/clean this up? Attached is the data table if anyone wants to play with it. I'm essentially trying to hybridize the nested and bullet formats. Also when trying to modify the scripts the types are just listed as "stacked", "bullet", etc. Does anyone know where these type modifiers point to so I could manually play with those parts of the scripts?
edit: Here is what I'm trying to do (this is just a manual mockup from powerpoint using rectangles to construct my bars). I'm looking at how long it took a program to execute a command on various datasets (coverage level) with different settings enabled (ORF Length). So every coverage level at every ORF length is an independent run with its own result. Here I'm going for the visual aesthetic of the stacked bar graph, but overlaying NOT stacking the bars. So each color bar accurately depicts the time it took for that individual process.