Is there anyone with fairly comprehensive JSL/JMP skills willing to look at a script I have exported and modified slightly from what I created in graph builder?
There have been helpful folks trying to answer my questions piece-meal, but once I fall of the radar so to speak, I can't seem to resolve all of my issues. I think if I had even one person with skills to look at what I've done so far and what issues I'm having, they would probably resolve it quickly. I've been trying to go through the scripting guide and google searching with key words (for instance, after finding a tip about using the Enhanced Log I found a couple of easy errors to fix), but I just don't think I have the skills to accomplish a couple of other things successfully in a reasonable amount of time while also having a lot of graphs to make.
Attached is a PDF of my script so far with what the graphs looks like.
This is the script based on bar graphs I’ve already made with some modifications produces the following graph (note- at the bottom of the attachment is a screen capture of the script that shows an easier structure to read)…
Thanks so much for any help!