I'm still not clear what you are trying to do but the following slightly modified script does not return any error in the Log (see the Eval List call at the bottom)
Names Default to Here (1);
dt = current data table();
InputWindow = New Window( "Enter Input",
Table Box(
String Col Box( "Results",
{"Results 01", "Results 02", "Results 03" }
Col Box(
"Final Results",
teb1 = Text Edit Box( "Blank Sample in wells" ),
teb2 = Text Edit Box( "Blank Sample in wells" ),
teb3 = Text Edit Box( "Blank Sample in wells" )
Button Box( "OK",
b1 = teb1 << Get Text;
b2 = teb2 << Get Text;
b3 = teb3 << Get Text;
dt=current data table();
Try( :Results[dt << get rows where( :Raw values== "01a" )] = b1 );
Try( :Results[dt << get rows where( :Raw values== "01b" )] = b1 );
Try( :Results[dt << get rows where( :Raw values== "02a" )] = b2 );
Try( :Results[dt << get rows where( :Raw values== "02b" )] = b2 );
Try( :Results[dt << get rows where( :Raw values== "03a" )] = b3 );
Try( :Results[dt << get rows where( :Raw values== "03b" )] = b3 );
dt = current data table();
:Results<<set property("value ordering", Eval List({"Buffer", b1, b2, b3}));
dt = current data table();
dt << Sort(By(:Results),Order(Ascending),Replace Table);
Thierry R. Sornasse