I would like to import a number of TXT files into one data table.
An individual TXT file looks like this and I would like to only import the highlighted data and if possible create a new column to capture the batch number.
I’ve written the following script (below) which gets me partially there but I still have to delete some of the data as highlighted below. This is ok when I only have a few files but when there are more than 10 it’s a problem.
Can anyone recommend an addition to the script to resolve this issue? I'm currently using JMP 15.
Thank you!
Multiple File Import(
<<Set Folder(
<<Set Show Hidden( 0 ),
<<Set Subfolders( 0 ),
<<Set Name Filter( "*.txt; " ),
<<Set Name Enable( 1 ),
<<Set Size Filter( {3334, 3334} ),
<<Set Size Enable( 0 ),
<<Set Date Filter( {3694079995.454, 3694079995.454} ),
<<Set Date Enable( 0 ),
<<Set Add File Name Column( 1 ),
<<Set Add File Size Column( 0 ),
<<Set Add File Date Column( 0 ),
<<Set Import Mode( "CSVData" ),
<<Set Charset( "Best Guess" ),
<<Set Stack Mode( "Stack Similar" ),
<<Set CSV Has Headers( 1 ),
<<Set CSV Allow Numeric( 1 ),
<<Set CSV First Header Line( 1 ),
<<Set CSV Number Of Header Lines( 1 ),
<<Set CSV First Data Line( 4 ),
<<Set CSV EOF Comma( 1 ),
<<Set CSV EOF Tab( 0 ),
<<Set CSV EOF Space( 0 ),
<<Set CSV EOF Spaces( 1 ),
<<Set CSV EOF Other( "" ),
<<Set CSV EOL CRLF( 1 ),
<<Set CSV EOL CR( 1 ),
<<Set CSV EOL LF( 1 ),
<<Set CSV EOL Semicolon( 0 ),
<<Set CSV EOL Other( "" ),
<<Set CSV Quote( "\!"" ),
<<Set CSV Escape( "" ),
<<Set XML Method( "guess" ),
<<Set XML Guess( "huge" ),
<<Set XML Settings( XML Settings() ),
<<Set JSON Method( "guess" ),
<<Set JSON Guess( "huge" ),
<<Set JSON Settings( JSON Settings() ),
<<Set Import Callback( Empty() )
) << Import Data