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Graph Builder: Ticks in Heatmap at center of cells
I want to put the ticks in a heatmap at the center of the cells and not on the grid, which doesn't make sense in my case. I think you'll know what I mean when looking at the graph. The white spaces are incorrect as we measured in x and y at 0, 1.5 and 3
Is there an option somewhere to change the position of the ticks?
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Re: Graph Builder: Ticks in Heatmap at center of cells
I see what you mean -- because JMP is treating your columns as continuous measurements the binning of observations at increments of 1 results in a pretty strange looking plot. You cannot change the location of the tick marks for a continuous scale, but I think an easy solution will be to change the modeling types of your variables to Ordinal by right-clicking the modeling type and selecting Ordinal, as in the animated gif below.
Does that help get you closer to what you want for this plot?
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Re: Graph Builder: Ticks in Heatmap at center of cells
I see what you mean -- because JMP is treating your columns as continuous measurements the binning of observations at increments of 1 results in a pretty strange looking plot. You cannot change the location of the tick marks for a continuous scale, but I think an easy solution will be to change the modeling types of your variables to Ordinal by right-clicking the modeling type and selecting Ordinal, as in the animated gif below.
Does that help get you closer to what you want for this plot?
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Re: Graph Builder: Ticks in Heatmap at center of cells
perfect answer, works exactly as I want.