This misalignment of points and other graph builder elements has been documented previously. I think there was agreement that the easiest method was to live without the violin plots being colored, otherwise customize the contour violins. Here is a script for Big Class.
Names Default to Here(1);
dt = Open("$Sample_Data/Big");
gb = dt << Graph Builder(
show control panel(0),
Variables( X( :age ), X( :sex, Position( 1 ) ), Y( :height ), Color( :age ) ),
Points( X( 1 ), X( 2 ), Y, Legend( 6 ) ),
Contour( X( 1 ), X( 2 ), Y, Legend( 7 ) )
Dispatch( {}, "age", ScaleBox, {Label Row( 2, Show Major Grid( 1 ) )} ),
"Graph Builder",
Poly Seg( "Violin (13>>F)" ),
{Transparency( 0.4 ), Fill Color( "Medium Dark Red" )}
), DispatchSeg(
Poly Seg( "Violin (13>>M)" ),
{Transparency( 0.4 ), Fill Color( "Medium Dark Red" )}
), DispatchSeg(
Poly Seg( "Violin (14>>F)" ),
{Transparency( 0.4 ), Fill Color( "Medium Dark Green" )}
), DispatchSeg(
Poly Seg( "Violin (14>>M)" ),
{Transparency( 0.4 ), Fill Color( "Medium Dark Green" )}
), DispatchSeg(
Poly Seg( "Violin (15>>F)" ),
{Transparency( 0.4 ), Fill Color( "Medium Dark Purple" )}
), DispatchSeg(
Poly Seg( "Violin (15>>M)" ),
{Transparency( 0.4 ), Fill Color( "Medium Dark Purple" )}
), DispatchSeg(
Poly Seg( "Violin (16>>F)" ),
{Transparency( 0.4 ), Fill Color( "Orange" )}
), DispatchSeg(
Poly Seg( "Violin (17>>M)" ),
{Transparency( 0.4 ), Fill Color( "BlueCyan" )}