Here is an example of what I think is pretty close to what you want
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Variability Data/" );
// Add some new columns to allow for the sample data
// table to look somewhat like your table
For( i = 2, i <= 5, i++,
dt << New Column( "Y" || Char( i ), formula( Random Uniform( 80, 120 ) ) )
colList = dt << get column names( string, continuous );
// Create a starter data table for placing all of the results in
dtFinal = New Table( "Final Results Table" );
// Loop across all of the columns and extract the required data
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( colList ), i++,
vc = dt << Variability Chart(
Y( Eval( colList[i] ) ),
X( :Operator, :Wafer ),
Model( "Main Effect" ),
Historical Sigma( 0 ),
Name( "Gauge R&R" )(6, 0, 0, 0),
Name( "Gauge R&R Report" )(1)
// Point at the report table you are interested in, and
// pass the message to it to create the data table from it
dtRR = Report( vc )["Gauge R&R"][Table Box( 1 )] << Make combined Data Table;
dtFinal = dtFinal << concatenate( dtRR, append to first table( 1 ) );
Close( dtRR, nosave );
// Make the transposed data table
dtReport = dtFinal << Split(
Split By( :Measurement Source ),
:Name( "~AIAG abbrev" ),
:Name( "Variation (6*StdDev)" ),
:Name( "~AIAG Label" ),
:Name( "which is 6*sqrt of" )
Group( :Y ),
Sort by Column Property,
Output Table("Guage R&R Report")
Also, the Scripting Guide is not a real good examples book, from the stand point of, "Here is how you do X". It is a document targeted to teach the language. So I suggest that you spend a bit more time with it and you will learn how to use it's components to generate your scripts.