Hi JMP Community,
I'm looking for help with forcing a date format import using the Excel Import Wizard via JSL. I'm trying to import data that is in only two columns in an Excel file, one date, one data, it looks like the following:

The problem I have is at the transition from the dates 12.02.2019 to 13.02.2019 (marked by red at the left side). For some reason, JMP is reading the date values from the start to the last 12.02.2019 value as dd.mm.yyyy format, but then switches at 13.02.2019 to reading dates as mm.dd.yyyy format. When I go into the Excel file and review the formatting for the cells, they're identical. I can't figure out why JMP is suddenly switching. When it makes this switch, it leaves the date cells empty in the JMP table.
If I import the data in two different blocks, those from the start to the last dd.mm.yyyy format, and a second one for the others, it reads each date correctly, however the Column Info for the two different dates are formatted differently and are incompatible with each other. If I try concatenating the two sub-sets, it just switches the day/month of whichever table I concatenate to.
I've also tried changing several of the toggle options in JMP preferences to try and force system or JMP settings, but all were unsuccessful.
If I can import the date as a character, I can modify things accordingly and then switch it back to a continuous data type, and it should be all OK. The only problem is I am not sure how to force this, or if this is the best way.
As with most automation attempts, I STRONGLY prefer to not go in and edit every Excel sheet or file. I want to have JMP do this via JSL script.
The JSL code I use to import is:
Worksheets( "Sheet 1" ),
Use for all sheets( 1 ),
Concatenate Worksheets( 0 ),
Create Concatenation Column( 0 ),
Worksheet Settings(
Has Column Headers( 1 ),
Number of Rows in Headers( 1 ),
Headers Start on Row( 1 ),
Data Starts on Row( 2 ),
Data Starts on Column( 15 ),
Data Ends on Row( 0 ),
Data Ends on Column( 16 ),
Replicated Spanned Rows( 1 ),
Replicated Spanned Headers( 0 ),
Suppress Hidden Rows( 1 ),
Suppress Hidden Columns( 1 ),
Suppress Empty Columns( 1 ),
Treat as Hierarchy( 0 ),
Multiple Series Stack( 0 ),
Import Cell Colors( 0 ),
Limit Column Detect( 0 ),
Column Separator String( "-" )
Is it related to the "Limit Column Detect(0)" option? I can't find any documentation on this and what it does.
This issue is similar to one posted by @ghartel back in May of 2017 (https://community.jmp.com/t5/Discussions/Excel-Import-Date-Format/td-p/16619), which didn't get a direct solution to their specific issue, at least as far as I can tell.
Any help is much appreciated!