I tried to create a custom design with 5 continous, 2 discrete numeric and 1 categorial factor (all 2 levels). I wanted 4 center points and 3 replicates. This works fine, until I try to define a factor constraint. I have a continues factor "storage period" with the level 0 hours and 48 hours and 2 storage places (categorial), 1 in the production environment, 1 in a controlled climate room. At the storage period 0 hours, the parts have no choice, the have to be stored all in the climate room. If I now try to constrain the factor storage period 0 with the storage place "climate room" (also cannot be stored in the environment) and make the same design as before, all center points disappear.
Why? I cannot understand why this happens. I cannot see any reason, why with this constraint it would be not possible to set center points.
Another strange behavior, if I set the factor constrains as mentioned:

The design in the column "Lagerdauer" (storage period) shows values 2,4. Why, I never defined something like a storage period of 2,4 hours? Should it be 24, in the center of "Lagerdauer", or what it the reason of this 2,4?

I am really confused on these things. I hope somebody can help me.